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I have learnt a lot of informations on Yunnan, which i never have come across before. Now, i know that one of the famous food in Yunnan is 'Across thhe bridge noodle'. The story is because a scholar's wife always have to cross a bridge to give him the noodle. The scholar became an officer and gave an official name to the noodle. I have made some mistakes during some meeting. I admited it, i learnt from it and i hope that i would not repeat it. I'm looking forward for the trip and enjoy my trip. I hope my preparations for the science experiment would be a success. :D

I have learnt many interesting fact about Yunnan. Yunnan seems like a country full of interesting facts, and I hope that I'm able to see some of those during the trip. Like their non-staple food called ear piece, eggs sold in bundles and such. I'm really nervous for the trip as I'm going to do a speech, which I never done it before. I hope this helps me to build up my self-confidence, so I will be more confident and able to present well in front of everybody. I also hope that the lesson plans will work out well, help to contribute a little knowledge to them.
-Ren Hui

I feel excited as we're going to Kunming in 4 days time. Kunming seems to be a city that is full of fun and look like the things at the is quite interesting. As the teachers told us their fun story happened in previous Twinning trip, it make me more looking forward to this upcoming trip. I hope i will get to see lots of amazing views and interesting thing there. Also, not forgetting to contribute my knowledge, teach the children study at Rural School and benefit them. I hope that through this trip, i will able to build up my self-confidence and social skill.
-Yee Teng

I cannot wait to meet my new friends in China. I want to make more new friendships and learn more about their culture.
-Chee Poh

I have learn many things by just having some meetings. I have learnt a new language which i think it would be helpful in the future as well. I am looking forward towards this trip, i think that it would be fun. I hope to learn new useful things in China. Just by doing the research for the blog, I have learn about the education system, the culture and the most popular dish. It is something new to me. I think that there would be interesting and amazing things to see.


Awesomely us.
The extraordinary people.

Yeeteng, Liyana, Renhui, Poornima, Chee Poh
We're from Group E, our age gap are a year apart.

Memorial trip.
Bringing you to our journey.

Pre-preparation trip before heading to Kunming
History & Geography
People Of Yunnan
Education System
Place Of Interests
Famous/Interesting facts

Singapore National Education
Anning Middle School

Let's go by days
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8

Our family members' blogs
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group F
Group G

Thank you so much.

Thanks to:
template by : mymostloved*
header image : kseoul.