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Education System
Yunnan Normal University

Kunming remains a major educational and cultural center in the southwest region of China, with universities, medical and teacher-training colleges, technical schools, and scientific research institutes.

International students directly matriculate into Chinese students’ classes and study the same courses. The studying period is usually four years and undergraduate certificate and B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature can be awarded to international students when they complete their study.
Non-degree students are divided into beginners, pre-elementary, elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, pre-advanced and advanced classes. There are at most 15 students in one class. Every week, the students have 18-hour class of 4 courses including Comprehensive Chinese, Chinese Speaking, Listening and Reading. Besides that, every student can still choose 2 elective courses for free, such as Chinese culture, folk dance, calligraphy, Chinese painting, tea art, Taiji, HSK training and so on.
International students enters a course that is based on their different characteristics in language acquisition. Beginners take four years to complete the study and those who have studied Chinese for some time are allowed to shorten their study period accordingly. Undergraduate certificate and B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature can be awarded to international students when they complete their study.

Subjects for education : Chinese Language and Literature, Clerical Studies, Mass Communication, Moral Education, Public Project Management, Pre-school Education, Applied Psychology, Ideology Education, Marketing Education, Advertisement, History, Administration Management, Geographical Science, Tourism Administration and Service, Geographic Information Systems, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Physics, Electronic Information Science and Technology, Applied Physics, Computer Science and Technology, Education Technology, Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Biology, Applied Biology, English, Sports, Sports Training, Musicology, Artistic Design, Arts, Financial Administration, Applied Electronic Technology, The Science of Law, Social Sports, Biological Technology, Business Administration, Accounting, E-business, International Trade and Investment, Finance, Humanistic Education

China Government Scholarship was established by the Ministry of Education of China in accordance with educational exchange agreements or understanding reached between Chinese government and governments of other countries, education organs, institutions and relevant international organizations to provide both full scholarships and partial scholarships to international students and scholars. The scheme supports students who come to study in China as undergraduates, postgraduates, Chinese language students, general scholars and senior scholars. Applicants may apply for the scholarship through the competent authorities, appointed institutions or the Chinese Embassy (Consulate General) in their home countries.


Awesomely us.
The extraordinary people.

Yeeteng, Liyana, Renhui, Poornima, Chee Poh
We're from Group E, our age gap are a year apart.

Memorial trip.
Bringing you to our journey.

Pre-preparation trip before heading to Kunming
History & Geography
People Of Yunnan
Education System
Place Of Interests
Famous/Interesting facts

Singapore National Education
Anning Middle School

Let's go by days
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8

Our family members' blogs
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group F
Group G

Thank you so much.

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