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Early in the morning, groups of elderly would be taking a leisurely stroll with their grandchildren. They are going to the park to meet with other elderly and to do exercise, chat or play games(maybe chinese chess). The exercises are mostly taiji and martial arts. Well, some elderly would also prefer to take a brief walk with their friends and chat along while walking. Many elderly in Yunnan likes to dance, you can see them dancing all chinese traditional dance. Dancing with the fan, drum dances or even western ballroom dance.
For games, the elderly would play cards, chinese chess or mahjong. If the game goes well and its emotional to have advise here and there from beside whom those are watching the game plays.
Because of many different kind of ethnic groups, some families would eat at home sitting around a round table and talk about today's event. Some other families would go out and eat and not preparing their home dishes.
There are many snack booths along the roads in Yunnan. Many people will stop by and have some snacks maybe even for dinner. The foods are cheap and delicious. Customers even get to see their food getting prepared and served to them warmly.

After dinner, the whole family would be seen taking a leisure walk chatting with their friends.
In villages, you see farmers working very hard in the day. But in the evening, you'll see them enjoying jokes with their friends in local bars or at home.

"They work very hard, but at the end of the day when work is done, they leave work behind and are intent on having fun." is something that i want to share with everyone. You work hard to get your effort paid off, then you'll enjoy. - Liyana. :D


Awesomely us.
The extraordinary people.

Yeeteng, Liyana, Renhui, Poornima, Chee Poh
We're from Group E, our age gap are a year apart.

Memorial trip.
Bringing you to our journey.

Pre-preparation trip before heading to Kunming
History & Geography
People Of Yunnan
Education System
Place Of Interests
Famous/Interesting facts

Singapore National Education
Anning Middle School

Let's go by days
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8

Our family members' blogs
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group F
Group G

Thank you so much.

Thanks to:
template by : mymostloved*
header image : kseoul.