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Famous/Interesting facts on Yunnan.
The 10 facts
1. Eggs in Longlin Country of Baoshan area were sold in bundles by tying the egg vertically and horizontally up into a bar with rice straw and sell them in bars in the market.
2. In Xiaguan & Chuxiong, girls who are fourteen to eighteen year olds, not married are called as Old Lady. It is said that such address embodies intimacy and goodwill to wish her good health, which has become a customs.
3. Pies (Known as ear piece) is one of Yunnan's local favourite non-staple food.
4. Automobiles move in clouds because the fog spreads all over the top of mountains.
5. In southern Yunnan, the Dai womens like wearing long skirts with silver belt that hung keys. It's a rule that only married women were allowed to do that because it symbols one is capable of running the household.
6. Yunnan's train go abroad not inland because Yunnan had not even have a domestic railway.
7. Straw hats (made up of bamboo and paddy stems) were used as cook covers, fans, basket, necessities shoes.
8. In the same area, one part of that area will be raining, another will be sunny.
9. Girls wears flowers in all seasons.
10. Non slanting walls built with cobbles as it is a material that makes wall neet and creates a unnique local architecture.


Awesomely us.
The extraordinary people.

Yeeteng, Liyana, Renhui, Poornima, Chee Poh
We're from Group E, our age gap are a year apart.

Memorial trip.
Bringing you to our journey.

Pre-preparation trip before heading to Kunming
History & Geography
People Of Yunnan
Education System
Place Of Interests
Famous/Interesting facts

Singapore National Education
Anning Middle School

Let's go by days
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8

Our family members' blogs
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group F
Group G

Thank you so much.

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header image : kseoul.